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PART 2. Here we go with 5 Stages of Soul Evolution after getting some idea on What is Spirituality? Is Spirituality for all?

Those who have missed the Part 1, please refer the previous article to be in line with this below Soul Science

As we have mentioned in Part 1, there are 5 stages of Soul growth as below

  • New SOUL or newly created SOUL (less than 500 years and less than 5 lives)

  • Young SOUL (<1000 years and <10 lives)

  • Matured SOUL (< 10,000 years and < 100 lives)

  • Transcendental (< than 15,000 years and < 150 lives),

  • Beyond (>15,000 years)

Stage 1 & 2, New SOULs & Young SOULs 

Spirituality and spiritual practices are NOT necessary or NOT mandatory as their main lookout is to experience material world, mostly to get adjusted/acclimatized to physical body and earth atmosphere and know and experience how body & mind work. They would be very light hearted & happy kind of SOULs who are full of enthusiasm to explore into various sectors and possibilities of this material world. They are joyful and physically energetic like children. Less Karma baggage they carry due to less number of lives on Earth. Financially they will be balanced sufficiently to run their lives on Earth. Very negligible or NO interest towards Spirituality as it’s NOT their requirements in the current birth. You may note all souls are pure when they are created and when they start their journey on Earth. Over a period of time after several births, souls start picking up unwanted patterns, qualities, lower desires and Karmas and these start accumulating and take them into several cycles of birth to purify back to their original state.

What is the difference between New & Young Souls? 

Young Souls are bit more egoistic and sensitive than New Souls.  Also they carry bit more responsibilities in their SOUL Planning. Whereas new Souls are more humble and innocent than Young Souls. Simplicity without maturity is more in the New Souls than Young souls.

However, since time is little less on Earth for Soul growth, these SOULs have a choice of using their FREE WILL to understand and get into the Spiritual path, at least to explore certain knowledge. In such cases, these souls, within a lesser time period, might attain Moksha. But it’s completely on their FREE WILL usage and it’s very rarely found since it is NOT mandatory.


Majority of Earth Souls fall under this stage even though consciously it may not be reflected always.

Matured Souls can be further divided in to various levels or stages based on their Soul Progress Report.

Souls under this stage, have taken sufficient lives on Earth and accordingly they are supposed to accumulate required experiences and supposed to learn necessary lessons.

Time has arrived for these souls to look for their inward journey. Time has arrived for them to do Spiritual Sadhana and attain Moksha while clearing their previous births’ Karmic baggage. But Soul Records reveal that most of them are lost in this Maya World by various means and have forgotten to be on the right path of Sadhana. Developed lot of unwanted qualities too.

Type 1. Many souls under this stage, have accepted unwanted Energies, being the era of Dark Age and started walking the path of unknown darkness without proper awareness. Their conscious mind is still under impression that they are highly spiritual and divine beings. They are holding to their ideologies without any openness for Truth & Infinite possibilities.

They can be illogical in the name of Logic & scientific explanations. Because they may believe not to believe anything blindly but they deny many things blindly which is more dangerous than believing something blindly. These things may happen due to their Ego, pride, complexity of material knowledge, status & wealth etc.

Type 2. There are many souls who might be having an affinity towards having psychic abilities and power. Yes, few Earthly miracles might be possible through dark Energies but not necessarily these souls are Spiritual Beings and are walking the path of truth which would lead towards Moksha. It might be remembered that Dark sources and Energies are also very powerful but they are not divine and will never lead towards Moksha. On Earth, though they might observe some esteemed prosperity or success for themselves through these psychic abilities but ultimate outcome might be shattering. Time to introspect and follow the right Spiritual track to save their souls for a higher responsibility beyond this Earth.

Type 3. Soul Records also reveal that many of the matured souls have already started their Spiritual Sadhana on Earth with certain discipline and practices backed up by their SOUL Planning and using their conscious effort too. Because their time has come to seek Spiritual guidance and follow Spiritual path. Entire Universe would support them for their dedicated approach as there is a huge requirement at Universal level of Liberated Souls with so much of opportunities & responsibilities.

Type 4. Another sub category is there under Matured SOUL section. These souls are neither at dark side nor started walking Divine path. They are fully under the clutch of Material World. Another method of holding souls for permanent enslavement. Spiritual path might be just a tool for them to enhance their material benefits. Their conscious mind believes that they are on right track.

They think they can do anything and everything with their own mental abilities as they could highly manifest their survival & material comfort desires. They have sufficient Karmic baggage and some Virtues too from past births. These virtues they are utilizing through material pleasures. They are also using their conscious physical and mental effort along with past life virtues to gain more worldly benefits and entertainment. In the process, SOUL growth is stuck and standing still without any kind of growth. They are under illusionary impression that they are able to control their lives pretty well without following the Spiritual Path. Unfortunately they are NOT aware that the entire worldly pleasure is so temporary. These souls never would believe that there is a Spiritual Path that can be walked along for an overall upliftment which is permanent. It’s really pity that these souls never see the world of Eternity because their soul eyes are blinded with their own pride, ego, arrogance and ignorance. Time for these souls to introspect too and align themselves to Spiritual Sadhana path if they care for their souls at all.

So, it’s high time for souls under the matured stage to introspect their state and seek Spiritual guidance in the right direction which would help them to get liberated. Again, if even SOUL planning is not there, soul can use its FREE WILL to seek this path. Not to forget the fact that, more the births on Earth, more the Karmas and more the sufferings. And which will finally lead towards permanent enslavement.


They are awakened souls. At SOUL level they are fully awakened with sufficient amount of past life Spiritual Sadhana and sufficient effort to explore the Eternal Truth. At conscious level, they might or might not be fully awakened though. But inevitably their souls and Soul Planning would push them towards Spiritual Sadhana path. And their current birth purpose is to get fully awakened at conscious level too like they are at their SOUL level already. So needless to say that they would be following Spiritual Journey with all possible ways and efforts, with full Discipline and Practices. Material world would have less meaning for them. Though they would carry huge worldly responsibilities and perform them too with pure perfection. Only lookout for the transcendental souls would be how to raise themselves to match the Universe level frequency being at physical level and attaining Moksha after this current life.

Accumulated Spiritual Sadhana from all the lives would be minimum 500 Years for Transcendental Souls. Only few 100 transcendental souls are there currently on Earth. Most of them are not in limelight or not available to public. Either they might choose to liberate few souls along with them in the same life or they might not bother at all. Usually this should be their last life on Earth.


Souls under Beyond Stage are extremely rare to take birth on Earth. They are fully awakened at both SOUL level and conscious level. They had their enlightenment experience in their past lives itself. They take birth on Earth with huge risk, out of their own choice by taking Universal or Existential Mission. They are Spiritual Energies simply within physical bodies…

For them everything seems minor in this Maya World. Complete Vairagya (Detachment) state would prevail at their Mental and Emotional states. Their frequency would be very high and vibration would be very powerful. They might suffer a lot at all levels while being within physical bodies without Karmic Balance because they are unable to match the Earth Vibration and Frequency levels and also unable to cope up with Earth atmosphere. Still they have designed and planned their current life on Earth for the benefits of other souls who are in different stages as mentioned above and need support and help to get liberated.

They take birth on Earth with sole purpose of bigger energy level mission. Same time possibilities are there to get less support from Earth consciousness & people as Dark Energies prevailing here come in the route as a blockage and barricade. These souls are fully honest and walk the path of Truth with full Divinity.

Their mission is to uplift few needy seekers who are thriving for the Eternal Truth and who want to help the Universe in some or the other ways after attaining Moksha. The SOULs who are beyond would be winners at the end at a bigger scale. Needless to say whether they should follow the Spiritual path or NOT, as they themselves are that Path with Divinity, which other needy souls might follow. Beyond souls re-arrive on Earth for special purpose after getting Liberation in the past.

One can experience positivity, progress and transformation if eligible just by being in their Aura range.

It is vital to note that every SOUL plans its life before taking physical birth on Earth as to what all experiences it has to go through and how it can uplift itself. But the FREE WILL (free choice or wish of one SOUL) plays an important role into it. It completely depends on the SOUL to seek Spiritual guidance or not and to follow Spiritual Sadhana path or not. NO force should be applied, NO imposition, only self-realization would help. That’s it.

Things should take turn on its own with natural flow and self-awareness but one is always responsible to make sure they are putting enough and genuine conscious effort, with pure intention while walking the Path of Truth.

This subject or topic is enormous, however we have tried to accumulate important information to share with you, for a clear understanding, rest one needs to experience through one’s own consciousness…!!

So, at the end we can summarize that…

Hence, it is perfectly fine if even one does not follow the path of Spirituality immediately. They may enjoy some more worldly life by taking some more births on Earth. Let them take their own time. No objection from existential point of view, if even it takes a very long time to get released from this Earth.

Time is Eternal in Energy World but one must be sensitive enough to know, The Earth has expiry.

So it’s high time to sit, relax, introspect and find out what one’s SOUL says and how it resonates to Spirituality…

With Divine Light
Maa Aditiji | MahaYogi Madhukarji

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  • By Urvi
    Posted October 22, 2020 1:59 pm 0Likes

    Namskaram guruji ,

    Conveying my heartfelt gratitude for these two articles. Those were helpful for clearing some major duvidas.

  • By Venkat S. Rao
    Posted October 22, 2020 4:23 pm 0Likes

    Dear Divine Guruji and Maa, thank you so much for imparting such divine knowledge as a continuation from part one which for me is like my soul journey taking birth in part 1 and moving to embrace the divine knowledge in part 2. Great insight into the types of souls, purpose and its present place on the earth. My immense gratitude to Guruji & Maa.

  • By Suhas Vasantrao Mulherkar.
    Posted October 22, 2020 6:11 pm 0Likes

    Let me admit honestly that each and every word of your above Article is precious than Gold.We are lucky to get such piece of eye opening information.

  • By Vinitha Pai
    Posted October 23, 2020 7:08 pm 0Likes

    Each sentence is absolutely soul triggering, bringing about an inner shift……. it’s hard to express. I earnestly hope to move forward with genuine conscious efforts and purity to uplift self and others. Thank you so so much Maa and Guruji for constant Divine guidance and Compassion. In immense Gratitude 🙏🙇‍♀️💐🙏

  • By Ashit Sanghvi
    Posted October 24, 2020 10:33 am 0Likes

    Each and Every word of this article is very precious and gives in-depth guidelines on What are the different types of Soul, What are their qualities, what is the purpose for which they have come on earth, How each of this category of Soul can uplift itself on Spiritual path even with Soul planning, Why do Evolved Soul feel disconnect with other category of souls and how each soul can achieve our ultimate purpose of Moksha. We are truly blessed to have got this Divine Wisdom so easily. Mankind will always be grateful to Maa Aditiji & Guruji Maha Yogi Madhukarji for this priceless wisdom. I recommend to all deserved Souls to please read this article couple of times as i did to got more clarity on Soul Journey & Purpose and thereby bring transformation in your life. Immense gratitude to Maa Aditiji & Guruji Mahayogi Madhukarji.

  • By Anish Rao
    Posted October 25, 2020 3:01 pm 0Likes

    Namaste Guruji and Namaste Maa,

    This information resonates so deeply with me as it helps me understand myself better, understand the world and the people in it better, and even helps me introspect myself viz-a-viz others. The Divine Wisdom shared above correlates perfectly with the people I have come across in my life. I had always had some difficulties in understand why they were acting the way they were, but I had the hope that in time I might understand more. Truly, the Eternal Truths shared have really helped me become more aware and would be very helpful in shaping how I conduct myself further too.

    It is always so easing on my being when I read the posts from Samyama Healing Centre. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to learn these Existence level truths that we are so blessed to receive. I’m immensely grateful to be under your Divine Guidance and Tutelage.

    With full Faith, Respect and Gratitude, I humbly remain.

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