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How Spiritual Healings Work?

In the contemporary world, with Divine Grace and Blessings, there are various tools and techniques available for Spiritual & Divine Energy healing…

How effective are these or Have you ever experienced any adverse effect or negligible effect or simply no effect from Spiritual Healing?!

If the answer is ‘YES’, Reasons are many… sharing few as below  

Firstly, to know this… it requires a vast practical study and understanding of the ENERGY WORLD…

Most of us already know everything is energy and to lead a healthy life, sufficient and healthy energy is a must in our energy system (Chakras, Subtle Bodies & SOUL).

There are various Energy layers and various types of Energies in the Energy World. These Energies are invoked by ENERGY HEALERS from different layers of the Earth, the Universe and rarely from beyond Universe as well, for the well-being of Humanity at various levels…

Invocation of the Energy exclusively and most importantly depends on the eligibility and power of the HEALER himself or herself followed by the tools and techniques learnt. 

Healers’ eligibility depends mainly on the number of years of their Past Life Spiritual Sadhana along with SOUL PURITY & QUALITY. And of course supported by their genuine Intent of helping others and various tools and techniques learnt.

In fact all human beings do have HEALING POWERS, not only human beings but few plants/trees, animals & birds also radiate healing vibes. Human beings can easily learn and apply basic healing modalities on SELF & others but when it comes to ADVANCED HEALING, Past Life Spiritual Sadhana, regular practices, regular purification at various levels, tools and techniques knowledge along with SOUL ELIGIBILITY is a MUST. Not everyone can be ADVANCED HEALERS without meeting the above criteria.

Please note, anything which is commonly and easily available to the public cannot be advanced Healing. 

In fact Advanced Healing cannot be learnt at all… It is an ATTAINMENT purely based on SOUL Eligibility & Spiritual Sadhana. It is nowhere connected to tools & techniques…

Now coming to the RECEPTION criteria and Healee

‘HEALING RECEPTIVITY’ and intent of the Healing Receiver (client or patient) is massively critical.

It depends on their SOUL Planning, Past life Karma baggage, curses carrying from previous births, time factor, openness, SOUL readiness and various levels of Energy blockages… to name a few…

Based on the above factors results or outcomes can be expected from a HEALING PROCESS… 

HEALING is a two way process… between the Healer and the Receiver. Healing can never be pushed or forced into a person against his or her WILL. It will NOT work in such cases. 

At times, it is observed that due to greediness and lack of GRATITUDE, Healing receivers lose whatever Divine Healings would have been coming or supposed to come on their way. In some cases, receivers are NOT HUMBLE enough to extend their ”THANKFUL” attitude for whatever little improvements they have experienced in their lives even after knowing their KARMIC balance is high, carried down from the past births. At the end, unfortunately they lose or miss the entire Divine blessing opportunity due to lack of inner purification. So, HUMBLENESS combined with GRATEFULNESS is a MUST requirement on the person who would be receiving the Healing Energies. 

Also, at times, it is being observed that people as per SOUL planning want to pay off their karmic baggage which they are carrying from any of the previous births, in terms of sufferings- be it at physical, financial, relationship or be it any other level. In such cases, extra force of Spiritual Healing would not help at all. Rather, Healing Energy should be diverted in such a way that the person completes his or her PAY-OFF at a lesser time than actually was planned. For example, if the SOUL has planned to suffer for 2 years, Divine Energy would never go against the law of KARMA and abolish or remove it completely. Rather it might reduce it to 6 months with increased intensity of suffering, so that the person experiences a brighter vibrant life much before his planned time. Again, this activity depends on the HEALER’s eligibility and Receiver’s acceptability criteria. Remember, Healing is NOT always for MIRACLES & POSITIVE MANIFESTATIONS but many times it also nullifies or neutralizes negative or unwanted future events.

Still remains many other factors, which can be discussed later…

Now something of Utmost importance worth sharing….

At this peak juncture of the Dark Age or Kali Yuga, dark & lower energy flow is intense & abundant all around. 

Unless one is purified & sensitive enough, one cannot differentiate between Divine & Dark Energies flow…

Channels & all Spiritual practitioners may have to be careful here to know what is getting connected and downloaded to them… 

Dark (Black) Energies may give instant miracles & many material manifestations magically but ultimately lead towards Self Destruction. On Earthly terms some name it as Black Magic also. 

To sense this, Inner Purification is inevitable.

Divine Energies may not give instant miracles but they lead towards steady, healthy overall growth & ultimately SOUL liberation….

Choice is on the RECEIVERS… whether they want instant miracles leading to darkness or steady & healthy SOUL growth with inner purification leading to peace and contentment.

Divine and Spiritual Energy Healing work wonders if the proper balance is there between the Healer and the Receiver. It requires TIME, PATIENCE and HUMBLENESS, SELFLESS attitude, less expectations and immense GRATITUDE, RESPECT & FAITH towards the Divine Energies. If something bigger and higher needs to be achieved equal efforts should be poured in… 

Last but NOT the least…

NOBODY is so rich on Earth to purchase the DIVINE ENERGIES. Never go to any healers with that attitude. It would be a waste of time, money and energy. What you pay is only for the healers’ TIME, GENUINE EFFORT & PURE INTENT and NOT for the OUTCOME.

HEALERS, HEALING and ENERGY WORLD are very interesting and vast topics which can be discussed later…

With Divine Light

Maa Aditiji | MahaYogi Madhukarji

Soul Healers Bengaluru India
Spiritual Healers Bengaluru India
Spiritual Healing Centers Bengaluru India

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  • By Anish Rao
    Posted September 6, 2020 1:08 pm 0Likes

    Pranaam Guruji 🙏 and Pranaam Maa 🙏

    This write up is resonating with me on a very deep level and has caused me to become very still.

    I feel immensely blessed to be one of the eligible souls who has gotten the opportunity to understand more about my Karmic Debts from earlier lives, to experience Divine Advanced Healing, and to then experience steady growth in life over the past few years. Yes there might have been many challenges along the way, but with Divine Blessings we have been able to cross them.

    Prior to connecting with Samyama Healing Centre, life felt like we were on a rocking boat, in the middle of a storm, that might capsize anytime. I had in vain searched for many answers for many problems. However, it was through Divine Grace that I got connected to Samyama Healing Centre and got to understand what the root cause of my problems were and got solutions to lead a healthier and happier life. And I also learned that as part of the healing process, it was equally important for me to accept responsibility for my past life actions by seeking deep forgiveness. Everything I have experienced while under the tutelage of Guruji and Maa, has always resonated so deeply and made so much sense to me. I always feel truly very blessed to be guided on the path for my highest and best good by Guruji and Maa.

    Having experienced the deeply transforming effects of my Soul Reading, Divine Advanced Energy Healing, and working on myself through inner purification and Selfless Service, I hope I can be more instrumental in guiding other genuine seekers to uplift their lives under the Divine Guidance & Blessings of MahaYogi Madhukarji and Maa Aditiji 🙇‍♂️🙏

    For this and more, I’m eternally immensely grateful Guruji and Maa. With immense gratitude, I humbly remain 🙇‍♂️🙏

  • By Rachana sanghvi
    Posted September 6, 2020 2:45 pm 0Likes

    Immense Gratitude to Guruji MahaYogi Madhukarji and Maa Aditiji for sharing this very Divine Priceless Wisdom with us.🙏🌺🙏

    I never had so much clarity or had never questioned myself so deeply about the ENERGY HEALING WORLD.

    Before having met Samyama Healing Centre..I had experienced Basic Energy Healings both as a healer and a reciever with different renowned healing modalities. With full respect to them I had felt positive with it but was not able to sustain longer or could not feel transformation in life..mostly at mental, emotional and relationship levels.
    After taking SOUL reading and ADVANCED DIVINE HEALINGS with Samyama Healing Centre, there came an immense sense of relief to me specially mentally and Emotionally. Then I understood as what is that uniqueness in these Advanced Energy healings than all other that I experienced before.

    Here, firstly I became aware of my Past Karmic baggage which was the root cause of my suffering and secondly with the Divine Guidance and Blessings of Guruji and Maa got enough faith and hope that once we accept our past actions with genuine forgiveness and purify ourselves with enough conscious efforts like SELFLESS SERVICE, to correct them with full Humbleness and Gratitude than anyone can lead a happy peaceful life inwardly come what may..

    Immensely grateful to Guruji and Maa for allowing me to be eligible for their Divine Healings and Selfless Service opportunities 🙏🌺🙇‍♀️🙏

  • By Raghavendra Amte
    Posted September 6, 2020 10:48 pm 0Likes

    Thank you Guruji and Maa, understanding of divine and energy healing explained in a very simple language and it gives very deep understanding. Spiritual healing often or most of the time mixed with material growth, this blog provided me deep insight on the Spiritual and divine healing. And, one thing is very clear we can’t escape from our past Karma but at the same time with spiritual healing, intensity and duration of suffering can be minimized. I personally attended many healing sessions conducted by Samyama, every time I felt very positive and face any obstacles peacefully which was impossible before.
    I have question:
    In this modern world with so much of dark energies even after receiving the Advance Healing with divine blessing, whether influence of dark energies affect the divine energies received by the person? If so how one can keep this divine energy intact and move positively.
    Immense gratitude to Guruji and Maa for providing such divine education. 🙏 🙏

  • By Lavina Lalwani
    Posted September 7, 2020 4:19 pm 0Likes

    Namaste Guruji 🙏 and Maa🙏
    Thank you so much for sharing this priceless wisdom with us. It has bought in so much clarity and a sense of calmness within.

    For a long time I had been seeking and searching the true meaning and my purpose of life. I approached so many healers and tried various spiritual practices but somehow always kept feeling disconnected. I felt very distant with my own self but after encountering Guruji & Maa, I instantly felt connected and sure of myself.

    I got my soul reading done as well as attended few events. It was then I started getting answers & clarity in my life. The guidances I received, have created such a strong impact in my life and truly given me a direction. It’s an absolute feeling of bliss that I simply can’t explain in words. I have never experienced this joy & fulfillment within. I have only seen myself evolving under Guruji and Maa’s guidance in all aspects of my life emotionally, spiritually & materialistically.

    Guruji and Maa have laid such a beautiful path for us and have added so much value, substance and purpose to our lives. I have truly felt the healing powers at a deeper soul level. Thank you so much Guruji and Maa 🙏 for giving us unconditional love and showering us with divine siddha energies. Truly very blessed and grateful to you’ll 🙏

  • By Venkat S. Rao
    Posted October 30, 2020 7:50 pm 0Likes

    Excellent information shedding the light on pure and positive form of energy. Quite grateful and thankful to Divine Guruji and Maa for their candid explanation and guidance. Pranam!

  • By Rajesh Tanti
    Posted January 2, 2023 3:31 am 0Likes

    Main business healing karvana chahta hun aur main apne aap ko Janna chahta Hun main Kaun hun Mera is Prithvi per aane ka uddeshy kya hai

  • By Manoj kumar Misra
    Posted April 17, 2024 3:20 pm 0Likes

    Pranam Gurujii
    I am 68 year old with physical emotional and spiritual problems. Before I ask for healing kindly do my soul reading. Pl let me know how I pay for the service. Hope to hear from you soon.

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