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Everything is actually happening in the now, time doesn’t really exist! Past lives that are not healed mingles with your own energy as ultimately it is a part of you. So when a person reaches the age when the cause for the current misery was created in a past life the unhealed aspect of that life’s energy becomes active in his energy field and one starts experiencing fears, phobias and unexplained physical health issues and so on.

The client is in her 30s and for the past few years has been suffering with a condition called Lichen planus pigmentosus wherein the skin color starts changing to a darker shade. In Medical terms it strikes when the body’s immunity is weak. In her case the pigmentation started gradually around five years back when she was expecting her first child. She started noticing parts of the skin on her arms, neck and face tanned. Initially the issue was brushed off thinking this to be due to the hormonal changes the body went through during pregnancy.

But when even after a year the tan remained and with each passing day it grew darker it became a cause of distress and that’s when she started doing the rounds of skin specialists and dermatologists getting various peels and treatments done. There used to be slight difference after the facial peels but that was temporary. She also started with various Ayurveda and allopathic medicines though medically this condition is not yet curable.

The outer treatments would not work as this was something internal and beyond.

It isn’t easy for anyone to face and accept sudden changes in the way one looks especially when there are regular questions and suggestions coming from known and unknown without having a glimpse of the actual problem the person is facing.

The client’s belief in energy work, her spiritual inclination and her jest for life helped her face it all with hope.

On being suggested by a skin doctor that her condition might be cancerous she went for a biopsy to rule that out and thankfully it was negative.

One interesting fact to share here is that since the beginning of her condition she started having snake visions. She saw them in dreams, had their visions while meditating and praying and with time it intensified to such an extent that there were moments when the feeling was so strong and real that she felt them even crawling over her.

Since the beginning of 2015 there were visible dark patches on her face which completely changed the way she looked. Recently (2016) she came to know about us and our healing modalities and contacted for healing.

We asked her to take the initial SOUL Reading/Scanning so we could know what the root cause of the problem is.

It is important to know the Root Cause before proceeding for any healing as every issue has a reason behind it. The cause can be related to a past life event, curse, karmic, black magic or even psychic attack. Once the cause is known and healed the present issue/ starts dissolving.

The reading revealed a past life wherein the client was a tribal woman and had a snake family living around in her house. Once while boiling water she didn’t realize that a baby snake was in the pot which due to her negligence died.

And so she incurred Sarpa Dosha and her skin condition and the snake visions were a resultant of that life.

The client was shocked to hear the reading and the cause and that’s when she shared about her snake visions. She could relate to that past life.

Once she was convinced with the revelations she agreed to get her healing done.

We started with the Nag Devta healing wherein the client was told to practice forgiveness. Also through this healing the Master removed all snake entities from her place and life, thus healing the past that traumatized her so much.

We gave her 8 Star Mandala Healing sessions through (the client is in the US currently)

By the third session I sensed certain resistance for healing from the client’s side. On asking the Masters about it the message came that this resistance is felt because as per the clients Soul Plan there are still a few months before her soul is ready for actual healing. So though we did the healing now it will start showing maximum results once the period of that Soul Plan is surpassed.

The client experienced divine bliss and peace during the sessions, at times so much that she remained in that meditative state for more than an hour. She felt guided to her inner peace. As per her though she wanted to look like her previous self yet change of skin color was not her prime concern when she decided to go for healing, but finding her inner peace and healing from within was the objective as the last few years had taken a toll on her emotional well-being.

After the very 1st healing session she gained much confidence and positivity. It showed her the way to connect to her true self and taught acceptance. Her fears, dreams and scary visions completely disappeared and she had undisturbed peaceful sleep at night.

She also shared that the inner change in her is being noticed by her friends and family as the healing is also helping her to balance her relationship with others.

She feels the darkness and the shadow removed and that space is now replaced by divine light.

Recently she wrote (2017 December). Her skin is now softer and has shine too as compared to the previously dull, lifeless and dry texture and 80 % of her original skin look has come back miraculously.

Hope this sharing benefits many and those reading it realize that issues that cannot be answered medically, can find not only the answer but also a probable solution in the realm of energy and Divine will.

With Divine Light

MahaYogi Madhukarji

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1 Comment

  • By Angela Waterford
    Posted April 29, 2019 1:25 pm 0Likes

    You’re right when you said that past life is essentially a part of me. I believe that healing from our past lives would help us know the root cause of our problem so we can move on from it. If there are any specialists who are offering healing sessions for these services, I’m willing to take them so that I will finally be able to heal from the illnesses no doctors have treated me from.

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