“SAMYAMA FOUNDATION” is a Not-for-Profit Charitable Trust, registered under the Indian Trust Act-1882, in the month of June 2019, founded by MahaYogi Madhukarji & Maa Aditiji located in Bangalore-India, with the following humble mission:
- To serve the society and humanity
- To protect the environment
- To spread spiritual awareness among mankind so that they can raise their consciousness to the next level and find ways to come out of various sufferings and concerns of their lives
- To support the less privileged section of people of the society with material, education and other necessary requirements along with spiritual guidance
- To spread and protect the eternal teachings and heritage of the Sanatan Adi culture through its different kind of activities, across the country of India.

SEES Program
SAMYAMA Foundation is a sister organization of Samyama Healing Centre®. The Foundation is based at the most spiritual Indian city, Bangalore. The programs are guided by Guruji and Maa, along with a team of trained, vibrant and enthusiastic like-minded volunteers from India and abroad.
Samyama Foundation aims to fulfill its mission through the SEES Programs as follows:
- Spreading benefits of practicing Meditation
- Spreading awareness among people to follow the path of spirituality, by using various ancient Rishis and Siddhas tools and techniques
- Organizing retreats and events to support the above spiritual causes
- Opening and maintaining spiritual training centers
- Holding Satsang sessions, to share divine guidance, wisdom and knowledge to quench the thirst of interested spiritual seekers
- Providing aid for research in the fields of yoga, meditation, alternative medicines and therapies
- Assisting needy and deserved students with scholarships for their further studies
- Offering some basic needs to less privileged children like, books, stationaries, instruments and other similar things required by them, to pursue their education
- Supporting libraries, museums, reading rooms, auditoriums for advancement of education, cultural awareness, knowledge and activities, to protect and maintain our Sanatan (perpetual) culture and heritage
- Protecting the environment and natural resources to save the Mother Earth
- Creating awareness for renewable energies like solar energy, hydroelectricity and so on
- Spreading awareness on preservation of nature through tree plantations activity, afforestation, by conducting programs, seminars and lectures as well
- Creating awareness and educating people on organic farming
- Providing financial aid to orphanages or similar homes, which take care of the needs of orphans, destitute and any other special sector of people of the society
- Providing medical aid to improve the health of the needy people
- Making people conscious about nutritional and organic food value for their general well-being and healthy lifestyle and thus saving and protecting the human health and environment
- Promoting charitable activities, education and culture without any distinction based on caste, creed, culture, gender, religion, faith and race
- Spreading benefits of practicing Meditation
- Spreading awareness among people to follow the path of spirituality, by using various ancient Rishis and Siddhas tools and techniques
- Organizing retreats and events to support the above spiritual causes
- Opening and maintaining spiritual training centers
- Holding Satsang sessions, to share divine guidance, wisdom and knowledge to quench the thirst of interested spiritual seekers
- Providing aid for research in the fields of yoga, meditation, alternative medicines and therapies
- Assisting needy and deserved students with scholarships for their further studies
- Offering some basic needs to less privileged children like, books, stationaries, instruments and other similar things required by them, to pursue their education
- Supporting libraries, museums, reading rooms, auditoriums for advancement of education, cultural awareness, knowledge and activities, to protect and maintain our Sanatan (perpetual) culture and heritage
- Protecting the environment and natural resources to save the Mother Earth
- Creating awareness for renewable energies like solar energy, hydroelectricity and so on
- Spreading awareness on preservation of nature through tree plantations activity, afforestation, by conducting programs, seminars and lectures as well
- Creating awareness and educating people on organic farming
- Providing financial aid to orphanages or similar homes, which take care of the needs of orphans, destitute and any other special sector of people of the society
- Providing medical aid to improve the health of the needy people
- Making people conscious about nutritional and organic food value for their general well-being and healthy lifestyle and thus saving and protecting the human health and environment
- Promoting charitable activities, education and culture without any distinction based on caste, creed, culture, gender, religion, faith and race