Selfless Service from Spiritual Perspective
Before we get into the mentioned topic something of utmost importance is worth discussing and mentioning, for a clear understanding. Without which simply moving forward would make no sense.
In the contemporary world, the human mentality is becoming more and more materialistic and they are drifting away from the TRUTH of the ENERGY WORLD and the TRUE MISSION of the SOUL JOURNEY. Earth is NO more pure, the way Existence wanted it to be at the initial stage of its Creation.
Life is becoming tougher and tougher each day. People are struggling to achieve even smaller things in their lives. Unwanted emotions and qualities like irritation, anger, jealousy, unhealthy competition, hatred, dishonesty, selfishness, agitation, fear and pain etc. increasing in the day to day affair. No calmness No peace around us or inside us.
NOW the word “COMPASSION” is confined to the dictionary mostly without any practical application.
As a result…
Since a few hundreds of years… Humans are making more and more KARMAS due to their misdeeds, wrong actions and ignorance and taking more and more births. They are unable to release their souls from CYCLES of DEATH & BIRTH from this Earth. Resulting in population explosion with NO hope left to control or balance it.
Eventually, people are becoming more frustrated, arrogant and hopeless and out of control. No souls are able to meet the actual purpose of SOUL growth in their journey due to lack of GENUINE GUIDANCE and blocked SOUL INTELLIGENCE.
This situation and this failure is leading to further degradation in the SOUL QUALITIES.
Downgrading of SOUL Quality leads to downgrading of SOUL Purity & Divinity too.
Moreover hardly any synchronization is there between a genuine/true GURU and a genuine/true SEEKER on Earth today to tell or hear the ETERNAL TRUTH (reasons being many).
Eventually, the spiritual field is becoming a material ground while the ultimate purpose of creative force & creation is getting evaporated.
Based on this practicality and our own Experiences…
Few points might be discussed very briefly, for few SOULS who really care to uplift themselves to fulfill the original Mission of their journey and move towards MOKSHA finally…
Need to remember MOKSHA is NOT that cheap or easily available. It takes a lot of conscious effort to attain the MOKSHA or Liberation.
In the current scenario only MEDITATION will NOT help for any Spiritual growth.
Unless one improves SOUL Qualities by being HONEST to SELF and others, being SELFLESS, being HUMBLE, COMPASSIONATE, by balancing the EGOS, by removing unwanted and contaminated EMOTIONS and much more…
Additionally, on a regular basis PURIFICATION of a SOUL is of utmost importance because when SOUL is in the journey it passes through many situations in different births and gets attached to different unwanted patterns due to lack of proper guidance or SOUL MATURITY. These unwanted patterns need to be purified.
Lust, greediness, complex (both inferiority and superiority) for example, may be termed as patterns which need a proper procedure to get removed permanently.
Difference between SOUL QUALITY & SOUL PATTERN:
QUALITY is inbuilt while the SOUL is being created based on its SOUL mission. Over births, if qualities are not properly balanced or lacking, it needs to be balanced or improved or to be adjusted according to the demand of the situation.
PATTERN is a subtle characteristic of a SOUL which is either induced into or picked up by the SOUL itself during its journey through its several births on Earth. Over a period of time certain repeated habits of some lives might also become a pattern of the SOUL, unless unwanted patterns are removed it keeps repeating in future lives too…
- Unwanted Qualities need to be balanced or improved
- Unwanted Patterns need to be purified or removed
Now, let us see what is all about SELFLESS SERVICE…
SELFLESS SERVICE is serving the Humanity and Mankind and in turn getting aligned with the bigger mission of serving the Universe. It’s about serving all NEEDY SOULS in different aspects of life with an ultimate intention of uplifting other SOULs around…
SELFLESS Service can be done either MATERIALLY or SPIRITUALLY.
Materially it is done by serving the basic survival needs like food, clothes, shelter, money and aid to regular education and so on…
It is Spiritually done by giving Spiritual guidance, Spiritual healings, by sharing Spiritual knowledge/wisdom, by teaching spiritual tools & techniques with sole intent to UPLIFT the souls and support towards MOKSHA.
Virtues accumulated while performing SELFLESS Service at material level may or may not benefit much at SOUL level and usually last for a shorter period and sometimes during the current lifetime only BUT when it is done at Spiritual or SOUL level, the virtues last permanently throughout the SOUL journey.
SELFLESS Service done at Spiritual or SOUL level is considered as the highest service from Existential perspective because the ULTIMATE GOAL of each SOUL is Moksha NOT mere material growth or enjoyment on EARTH.
But again the ground truth is that, if the basic needs are NOT taken care of, NO SOUL can improve at the SOUL level. Which means, Spiritual growth is not possible if the basic material needs are not fulfilled.
Hence it might be expressed that the BEST way of SELFLESS Service is to combine both Material and Spiritual wings. Then the wholeness of the Universe level purpose can be approached and finally achieved.
Few points need certain attention while we are discussing SELFLESS Service activities.
Services thus offered, MUST carry a pure intention of helping the needy people out of Joy & Compassion and NOT out of any Force & Compulsion.
It needs to be taken care of that the activity is not carried just for any name, fame or glory in the society.
Also, it is being noticed and judged by the Universe that at what conditions the SOUL is performing the SELFLESS actions or services. Is it being done at extreme tough and rough conditions or from favorable comfort zone?! For example, a person having 4 breads giving away 1 bread to a hungry person gains much more virtues than a person who is having 100 breads and giving away the same 1 bread to a hungry person. So, it is NOT about what one is offering but in what conditions one is offering & with what INTENT matters in the eyes of the Universe.
How is it worth?!
- Selfless Service makes a human being humble, courageous, bold and sharp because he/she gets chances to meet various kinds of people around him/her to gain various kinds of experiences which are necessary for SOUL growth & liberation and there is NO other way to gain such experiences.
- Selfless Service gives a SOUL opportunity to drop its unwanted ego as it becomes more and more compassionate while extending its hands towards needy SOULs at various levels.
- Selfless Service helps a SOUL to uplift other souls to bring them to the Divine path thus helping the society and in big sense helping the Universe. It’s an opportunity to become a Divine instrument for the Universe and Existence. Here one is getting scope of doing an Existential level of service.
- Selfless Service might remove 5 to 10% of minor karmic blockages of a SOUL.
- Selfless Service earns virtues for the SOUL which it can use as and when required in its journey. It is something like people having money in their bank and may use as and when required.
- SELFLESS Service teaches a SOUL to come out of its self-centered shell and think about others around them. Thus the mind set-up of only about SELF and SELF, gets erased slowly and it expands with leaps and bounds with Divine Energies. A person has chances to grow both as a SOUL as well as a human being too.
- SELFLESS Service attracts NOT only Divine blessings but also positive vibration and positive thought forms, from several needy souls who are being served or helped.
- SELFLESS Service purifies a human being from inside and outside at all the levels (Conscious, Subconscious, Unconscious & SOUL as well). Thus it helps to be on the path of Moksha.
- In the current condition of the Earth without performing SELFLESS Service, NO Spiritual Sadhana is possible.
- SELFLESS Service gives a satisfying sense and feeling to a person naturally and then during Meditation a different kind of calmness surrounds the person. Some kind of self-satisfaction with peace would prevail without much effort.
- Stillness of mind can be experienced in a short time which is of high expectation and high value during any Spiritual Sadhana.
Yes, few Challenges might be faced…
- A kind of self-Ego can boost up thinking that, since I am doing a great job I should also be rewarded accordingly. This thought is dangerous. Challenge is to abolish this kind of thoughts or expectations or else this would reverse all the good deeds.
- Also one may face huge hurdles and barricades from every angle. Removing or combating these, itself improves the person and gives him lots of strength, confidence and power.
- SELFLESS service can be of any form, be it FINANCIAL, TIME, EFFORT & INTENT which are applicable as per the SOUL requirement but EFFORT should be GENUINE & INTENTION should be PURE with SELFLESS attitude.
- SELFLESS Service can never be forced or pushed into anyone. This should come from within a person. And definitely it highly depends on one’s SOUL planning too. However, using one’s FREE WILL one can perform it. In any case virtues will be earned in the soul’s kitty.
Persons who genuinely wish to improve their Material or Spiritual status or level, MUST extend their hands to help others who are needy.
It is said that what we GIVE away, we RECEIVE back on-time or in the right time. Nothing goes unnoticed under the ULTIMATE DIVINE JUDGMENT.
Not a single SOUL has got in the past or ever would get in future, MUKTI or any kind of real SPIRITUAL UPLIFTMENT without performing SELFLESS SERVICE.
NO one on Earth is so poor not to serve in some or the other way. What is needed is PURE & CONSCIOUS INTENTIONS. Just need to be careful whether genuine NEEDY SOULS are being SERVED.
With Divine Light
Maa Aditiji | MahaYogi Madhukarji
By Hardik Soni
This blog itself is one of the eye opening for me. The divine information shared here is not available on any books or write ups. I had limited myself to selfless service but I am grateful to Guruji and Maa for sharing the wider horizon and true meaning of selfless service. Every small information on upliftment of soul is helping me to understand the how I can perform selfless Seva in Spiritual way
Immense Gratitude To Mahayogi Madhukarji and Maa Aditiji for sharing the divine information. 🙏🌺🙏🙇🏻♂️🙇🏻♂️🙇🏻♂️
By Ashit sanghvi
The Divine knowledge and Wisdom shared in this blog is priceless and highly valuable as I have never comes this kind of guidance on Selfless Service in detailed and how it can help to uplift our souls. We are fortunate that Guruji and Maa has not only explain to us in great detail meaning of Selfless Service and how to uplift our souls,but have also given us opportunity so many times to do Selfless Service in various Spiritual events of Samyama Healing Centre & Samyama Foundation.This guidance is the need of the hour to save our souls from going in wrong direction and ensuring that we keep praticising this guidance in our daily lives. I have partically experience lot of Peace, bliss and joy after doing selfless service in the events of Samyama Healing Centre and have made lot of learning as well. Immense gratitude 🙏🙏to Guruji and Maa for sharing this priceless wisdom with us.
By Nina Singh
One is so beautifully guided as to what is the true meaning of SELFLESS Service . One must drop Ego to walk on this path with Kindness, Compassion, Pure intentions and balanced Emotion.
Under The Divine Guidance of Guruji Mahayogiji and our Divine Mother Maa Aditiji i got clarity and understanding about true meaning of SELFLESS Service.
The one who choses to walk on this path has to be free from the selfish motive or expectation . As guided it requires PURE intention and Compassion touching people’s life guiding them towards Spiritual path and helping them to uplit on Soul level
I feel fortunate and blessed to have got various Divine opportunities with Blessings of Guruji and Maa. I am immensely Grateful towards THEM for guiding us and leading us on this path of SELFLESS SERVICE
By Anish Rao
I have been blessed to have had opportunities to do SELFLESS Service under the Divine Guidance of Guruji MahaYogi Madhukarji and Maa Aditiji. The challenges, experiences and learnings have been so unique and immensely satisfying and unlike anything I have experienced while in my material life. No amount of money/fame/success can replicate the satisfaction/feelings one can experience by helping even one needy soul get connected to the right path.
In thinking more about and working towards helping others, I got lots of perspective and overtime felt myself being better equipped to work on dropping my ego, arrogance, anger, and other unwanted qualities that used to bother me from time to time. Doing SELFLESS Service has been highly transformative and I’m very grateful that it has helped me to lead a more happier and peaceful life.
I still have a long way to go and lots to work on, but I feel blessed to have always gotten right guided at the right time by Guruji MahaYogi Madhukarji and Maa Aditiji. I’m immesenly grateful for their Divine Love, Guidance and Blessings always.
By Kailash Gurnani
A few years ago, I was fortunate to come under the guidance of Guru MahaYogi Madhukarji & GuruMaa Aditiji.
On a material level, I was and am truly blessed with all the comforts including fame & recognition in my profession. But true happiness was always elusive as (I now know through Guruji’s guidance) my soul was seeking something higher & greater.
Unfortunately we live in times where we easily get tempted to follow the wrong path and do the wrong things just because everyone else is doing it. Guruji & Maa’s words give me the strength and courage every single day to consciously follow the right path.
Every opportunity I have got to serve selflessly has been a moment of true bliss. It has been, to date, the single most thing that has given me true contentment deep within. The only way to know it is to do it.
I strive every day to rise above the struggles, negativities & distractions of daily life to make a positive contribution to someone or something around me. For this, I am eternally grateful to Guruji & Maa to plant the seed in me and water it with all their patience, love & compassion.
With Respect & Gratitude 🙏
Kailash Gurnani
By Rachana Sanghvi
Only after getting a Divine Opportunity of join hands with the Mission of Samyama Healing Centre of Uplifting Humanity, through its various Selfless Service opportunities, has lead me to inner selfrealisation , that SELFLESS Service is the ONLY path to real Happiness & freedom from all the Prejudices obstructing our material & spiritual growth.
Eternally Grateful shall we remain for This Divine Guidance & Existential Wisdom shared with Deep compassion by Guruji MahaYogi Madhukarji & our Divine Mother Maa Aditiji for we human Souls to wakeup and consciously keep serving Selflessly as Divinely guided here to needy Souls for a much better and peaceful life leading towards Moksha.🙏🏻🌺🙇🏻♀️🙏🏻
By Venkat S. Rao
We all feel immensely blessed to have gotten the knowledge and guidance along with opportunities to do Sewa or Selfless Service under the Divine Guidance and Blessings of Guruji MahaYogi Madhukarji and Maa Aditiji.
Selfless Service or Sewa
(In Sanskrit word ‘Seva’) is a service or effort rendered which is performed without any expectation of result or reward or award or certificate for the person performing it.
Life is meant for service, and not for self-seeking accolades! Do your duties well and sincerely and you will see positivity all around you.
Helping does not need special skill but a selfless will. It is not the domain of any special individuals nor confined to a single part or timeline of our lives. It should be a continuous process. We simply must heed the call of that natural impulse within us and follow where it leads us to. We need to trust that nearly every human being has a natural impulse to help another person or creature who needs the same. Hold your life for the service of others. The more the energy you spend in helping and serving others, the more the divine energy which will come to you.
Let us see what our soul members Ms. Rachna and Anish have to say:
Rachana Sanghvi: “It is so simple but amazing. Only through SELFLESS SERVICE, I felt real joy in my life. In spite of all material happiness I have with Divine Blessings…the real happiness I could experience is in sharing them with the needy and deserved.”
Anish Rao: “The feelings of real joy experienced while doing SELFLESS Service have come from a much deeper place within and have left an indelible impression on my being. These experiences are immensely satisfying, life changing, priceless and irreplaceable.”
Selfless Service Purifies Oneself
Let us ask ourselves what is or should be goal or objective in Seva or Service?
By doing service, you purify your heart. You tend to eliminate ego, hatred, jealousy, idea of superiority over others. You develop humility, pure love, sympathy, empathy, tolerance, and mercy. Sense of separateness is annihilated. Selfishness is eradicated. You get a broad outlook of life. You develop a being broad minded, a kind heart with broad and generous views. Sewa should be rendered with smile, humility, and sweetness. If one serves with grudges, shows bad temper, feels irritated, it is not Sewa at all!
Selfishness downgrades efforts, making it sheer waste of labor, but selflessness uplifts and transforms work into inspiration. Selflessness can manifest only with love and compassion. Only when there is compassion in the heart, we transform to give up our own selfish wants and desires in order to bring joy and happiness to others.
The first step in the spiritual path is selfless service of humanity, living creatures and our environment. Through selfless service and charity, we develop the benevolent heart and cleanse the lower mind. WE need to purify our heart by selfless and humble service which alone will fill it with divine virtues. Selfless service is the watchword along the soul journey. Selfless service irrigates the field of the human heart and enable the rich harvest of peace, joy, prosperity & immortality.
Opportunities for Selfless Service
The world is yours! Therefore, love all, serve all, be friendly with all, be kind to all, embrace all. Behold the goodness in the poor, the down-trodden, the oppressed and lowly ones. Become a servant of humanity. Seek out the lowly and the miserable; cheer up and bring a ray of comfort to them by serving them unstintingly. Console the disconsolate. Comfort the distressed. Serve your parents, elders, teachers, and guests with divine feelings of Sewa.
Feed the hungry, nurse the sick, comfort the afflicted, and lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful. Clothe the naked. Educate the illiterate. Feed the poor. Raise the downtrodden. Collect some old clothes and distribute them to the needy. Distribute a few food packets to the lame, the blind, and to the hungry mouths as you walk along the street. Serve any social institution for one hour daily without any remuneration.
Finally, think for yourself, how best you can utilize your energy, your intellect, your education, your wealth, your strength, or anything you possess, for the betterment of others whom you come across in personal life and the society in general
Immense gratitude to Guruji and Maa for guiding us to Truth and giving us Selfless service opportunities!
By Arpita Rao
In a world where people only talk about charity, donation and volunteering work, my first ever encounter with the term SELFLESS Service was during my association with Samyama Healing center at one of their event. Since then I have been blessed to be able to observe & experience different layers of this great act towards helping mankind & universe at large.
Reading this article has further enlightened me on many niti gritty of this wide topic. It’s elaborate explanation has further clarified the connection between our being and our doing. The ocean of wisdom written in each line will require multiple reading to absorb the serene essence of its message. It has definitely made me cautious to always check whether my action and intentions are helping people only materially or spiritually as well, as later is the highest form of service.
During an extremely humbling opportunity to serve I have experienced surreal moment of inner joy. No other achievement or accomplishment gets even close to this feeling and now knowing more about its consequences only makes me more determined to continue on this path as a way of life.
I will always remain in gratitude to Guruji & Maa for gracing my life with their presence, blessings and extremely precious wisdom.🙏🏼🙇♀️🙇♀️🙏🏼Thank you🙏🏼🙏🏼
With respect & gratitude,
Arpita Rao
By Lavina
This guidance has been so beautifully and clearly explained in detail. The only thought of doing selfless service gives a feeling of satisfaction and it fills up for all the challenges we face in life at all levels with lots of courage, compassion & empathy.
I have derived so much hope and determination reading this guidance. My understanding has become deeper and clearer about selfless service now and will strive to serve selflessly and constantly do a self check to remove unwanted negative patterns in self.
Forever I shall be indebted to Guruji 🙏 & Maa 🙏 for sharing with us such priceless wisdom & uplifting us at soul level. Truly very grateful Guruji & Maa with all my heart and soul 🙏🙇♀️
By Ankita Rao
Namaste Guruji and Maa 🙏🙏
Every post of Samyama Healing Centre’s – even of it is a few words, is filled with so much transformation and compassion energy that I feel positive shifts in myself almost instantly by just reading the posts.
This lifetime of mine is truly blessed as I have have had the tremendous good fortune and blessed opportunities to be under the Divine Guidance of MahaYogi Madhukarji Guruji and Maa Aditiji. I am so flawed and yet They both have beautifully guided me given me the opportunity to experience moments which many may not experience for lifetimes… specifically opportunities of Selfless Service. Speaking of one such opportunity, I was given the blessed chance to be of service at a charitable event organized by Samyama Healing Centre/Samyama Foundation in an orphanage located in Bangalore. I still count this as one of the life changing milestones in my life thus far. Till date it remains as such a cherished and a fulfilling experience because the lessons I learned and the joy we generated among the kids by ONLY giving them our time and attention was so tremendous. In turn the joy, peace and satisfaction we experienced – there are no words that can do justice to explain that.
As I struggle many a times through emotions or life situations, that memory and experience of the orphanage serves as such a grounding and uplifting lesson for me in so many ways. I find myself reaching back to those few hours so many times.
This post has been such an eye opener as I have been questioning many aspects of Selfless Service over the last few weeks and this post has answered all my queries. Very very grateful 🙏
Thank you Guruji and Maa for gracing Humanity through this highly contaminated time in Earth’s history and yet showing Humanity that Hope still exists for those that are ready. And Thank You for not giving up on any of us and continuing to light our way. It will be my effort moving forward to be of more service to humanity while maintaining and improving inner purifications. Signing off in deep gratitude 🙏
By NEETA (me) Jani
Selfless services to serve the souls is my motto in life and doing it when ever possible. Like teaching free , knitting blankets for the needy and donating them .
By Venkata Soma Sekhar Sahukara (Venny)
I am deeply grateful for the unique and profound knowledge shared by Guruji & Maa about the spiritual growth through selfless service.
This wisdom, not found in any scriptures any where in the world, has been a soul-uplifting journey for many.
The compassion and insight provided by Guruji & Maa deeply enrich one’s understanding and practice of selfless service, guiding the souls towards a path of inner purification and spiritual enlightenment.
Their teachings are a true blessing, offering invaluable guidance on one’s spiritual journey.
With Gratitude 🙇🙏