“Nourish your soul and your soul nourishes you”
This is a statement whose meaning I had the faintest idea about before I got in touch with MahaYogi Madhukarji (Guruji), GuruMaa Smt. Aditiji and the Divine Samyama Healing Centre.
Before my first interaction with Guruji, I had been struggling with many issues over the previous 5 years. We had lost many close family members, business was struggling, I was in an unhealthy marriage and getting divorced, I had anger issues, and my emotions and confidence levels were really low. Over the past one year though, I have had the great fortune of having interacted closely with Guruji and GuruMaa through various soul readings and by being a participant and organizer at various retreats. I have experienced many miraculous changes and I would like to share my story on the tremendous impact the soul readings and interactions with Guruji and GuruMaa have had on me as follows:
- First Interaction:
Situation: I had always had this feeling from the start of my life that I was a very capable person with a lot of skills, but no matter how much effort I was putting in, I was unable to achieve my true potential and something or the other always held me back. I was a career and a provider and I had always felt the need to take care of my family, employees, etc., but was unable to do justice to it. It was very frustrating at times and I never really understood what was causing this underachievement. We were also struggling financially (but I hadn’t shared this in my first email). In the past we had sought many solutions, but none to great avail. I was hoping through some past life clearing, I could find a solution for this through Samyama Healing Centre.
Reading: The reading very eloquently shed light on soul journey and all the experiences material and spiritual that a soul must complete across many lives before it achieves moksha/liberation. I was told that my soul had almost completed the Material part of it and hence was quite contented with the Material flow in my life and so I was able to take care of others and help them from inside of my heart. But I was not attracting opportunities as per my skills or qualities because, to give me an inner jerk and to make me understand that this life my SOUL had planned for the beginning of its spiritual path. And now was the time for my soul to grow and this latest jerk was just one such example of many to realize and align with the ways of the universe.
I was suggested 10 days of Star Healing and to attend upcoming divine Siddha Healing and Group Meditation event in Dubai that would heal my soul to attract opportunities as per my skill and to boost up and trigger my spiritual journey up to 50%
Result: I was not fully sure about everything I had read, but it had resonated on a level that made me comfortable enough to proceed with the healings and to sign up for the event. I had never meditated before in my life, but through Guruji’s divine guidance and blessings I started the distant healings (done via meditation). There were changes that started happening almost immediately. Some payments that were stuck for a very long time started flowing in almost seamlessly, but at the same time some clients started leaving us. They were troublesome, but no one anticipates losing clients would be positive sign. However, on speaking to Guruji, we understood that since we were raising our vibrations that those who didn’t resonate would leave and we shouldn’t hold on to them as this is for our highest good. These same clients who were troublesome and with whom somehow, we were always worried wouldn’t pay us, themselves came to our office and handed us our cancellation charges (which is almost unheard of in Dubai). Thus, started the shift in my rigid mindset and perspective paving the way for further growth opportunities. Further spiritual developments started happening after attending the divine Siddha Healing Meditation event that prompted me further and further into the wonderful path of spirituality.
- Himalayan Past Life Connection:
Situation: Slowly and steadily, I was more and more engaged and enamored by the world of spirituality that had started taking more importance in my life than anything else. My thirst for knowledge increased to a level where I would say I had started skipping work so that I could spend more time reading and meditating. Actually, I had started having some very wonderful visions during my meditations that Guruji had lovingly explained to me the significance of and my initial skepticism about meditations vanished. Eventually, as more and more visions stared coming to me, I started believing that I was somehow special and great knowledge was coming to me as I destined for something grand. I had started becoming more and more aloof and it was observed by those around me that I was becoming prudish and elitist. I thought everything was normal for the longest time until there came a point when I realized I was being taken away more and more from Samyama Healing Centre and that I was connected to a lot of negative energies. Upon the realization, I started going through extreme emotional mood swings that could change in a span even as short as 5 minutes. It was a terrible time and I didn’t know what to believe as my whole world was turned upside down because what had started so positively was now turning so negative and I wasn’t able to distinguish anything anymore. During this episode, I was facing massive resistance in contacting Guruji, but finally I had had enough and sought out Guruji and GuruMaa’s help to understand what was really happening and to disconnect me from these energies once and for all.
Reading: Finally, when my reading came to me, it dawned on me how wrong I was and how many mistakes I had made along the way. I had one previous life wherein I met a Rishi in the Himalayas and started doing meditation under him. I learned a lot from him and gained spiritual energy too. In due course of time, the rishi suggested that I must do more than just meditation in order to achieve spiritual growth and suggested also that I do some seva/service for him. At this I got very angry and started on my own with little bit of what I had learned. However, I did not make much progress in that life or the subsequent lives and ended up spending more than required spiritual energy to complete some pending experiences. In this life as per my soul planning, Divine and Universe gave me a chance and I was guided to Samyama Healing Centre and started practicing the techniques learned during the Siddha Healing and Group Meditation in Dubai. Seeing this spiritual progress, the Rishi who had gotten settled at 5th Lokas got very angry as he had felt insulted when I left him ignoring his instructions of that life. Out of his anger and revenge, he wanted to deviate me from the path so he started sending negative energies to me. Me being with lack of real knowledge used more of my conscious mind and kept on accepting the negative energies as they were satisfying my ego, arrogance and pride, and this was happily working for me. I became numb and blind from inside as my conscious mind took over my soul voice. Whatever the spiritual energies I had gained hugely from the Meditation event were drained out and dark energies were left.
To stop further damages, Guruji and GuruMaa temporarily blocked those higher negativities by taking huge risks at the time of the reading itself. And then suggested 15 healing sessions with full involvement and dedication to remove the negativities from my energy bodies and soul and block those negative energies completely and permanently.
Result: The first few days of healings were tough, but gradually as the healings progressed things eased up and I started feeling better and better. With a lot of love and support from Guruji and GuruMaa, I returned back to normalcy. My business had also gotten badly affected by these negativities, but during the healing things at work started improving again and I could literally feel like my life was getting back on track. I felt like I was reborn and that I had gotten another chance at spiritual growth and at life itself. This sort of negativity was karmic but what I came to understand was that inner purification was a must as without inner negativities, outer negativities cannot impact us. There were many more challenges ahead, but at least now I knew exactly what the right path was and who was guiding me towards my higher self and how easy it was to get distracted. My soul had just been saved and I owed it to myself, the universe and to the divine love and compassion shown by Guruji and GuruMaa, to begin working on the guidelines shared by them to uplift myself. So taking it on the chin, I started working with a renewed sense of optimism on self-realization and self-improvement.
- Love and Life Partner:
Situation: While all this was happening, all my divorce related issues had reached a full and final resolution. I was keen to settle down again but I was scared at making another disastrous mistake in my life and knew I wouldn’t now proceed without taking the advice of guruji. After a while, there was a girl with whom I had started getting close to after we both attended the divine Siddha Fire Meditation Event conducted in Mumbai. Upon consulting Guruji, I understood that we had a very high soul level compatibility and if out of our own free will, we chose to come together the compatibility level could increase even further. This explained why we were so drawn to each other and the further personal details shared with me started putting everything in perspective. After months of dating and really getting to know each other through various ups and downs as is normal in all relations, there came a point where I started seeking out what the next step was supposed to be in this relationship. During my meditations, whenever I tried to seek answers, the only answer I was getting was NO I should not take this relation forward. This was very confusing to me as everything between us was going very well and even what was suggested by Guruji was very encouraging. Further, I was continuously seeing many snakes during my meditation that I was unable to understand. During one meditation, I saw a lot of snakes moving towards a temple and realized it was time to seek further guidance.
Reading: The reading mentioned that during one past life, the family that I belonged to wanted to build a family mandir on our family land underneath which there was a kingdom of snakes. They were happily living there but to further our cause, we set about some men to dismantle their staying place. This was a big shock for them and they escaped to many places in various geographic locations (similar to what I saw). Even though we never wanted to kill any snake, unfortunately one male and one female snake could not escape and got submerged inside the ground while the temple was being built there, unnoticed. Since then they had cursed us on the opposite gender love and that it would be missed in our family. Whatever material progress we got, love would not be that easy. Over the subsequent lives, many hints were given to me to learn from my mistakes, but I ignored them.
Now that I had known the root cause of the issue, I was recommended to seek deep forgiveness from the affected souls and to go for the process of sarpa dosha removal.
Result: Everything that was shared in the reading resonated very deeply with me and I knew that I must start all the recommended solutions without wasting more time. After completing the sarpa dosha removal and seeking forgiveness, there was a lot of lightness from then on. The snakes stopped showing up in my meditation and moreover, I started getting positive feedback regarding my love life. As more days passed, my relationship with her started getting better and better. I proposed to her a few months later and as of this post, we are about to be married in a few days’ time. Today if my love life is settled it is because the guidance of Guruji was the catalyst. GuruMaa Aditiji also shared so many insightful details that helped me in making the right decision towards finding the life partner that I am so blessed to have right now.
The soul readings and healings caused releases on a soul level that lead to many miraculous transformations that I am very grateful for. From having no prior spiritual background, I have practically seen the lessons shared with me and I understand that spiritual development is more than just meditation and I am trying to implement my learnings in all aspects of my life as I aim for self-purification and self-realization. In time more and more solutions will occur to me as I have been made independent by Guruji and GuruMaa.
We are currently on the verge of expanding our business and starting in a second office location. Even though we are in a better situation than we were a year ago, it is not that magically all our financial problems have disappeared; it is a work in progress and the expansion is part of the solution. Yet there is an understanding now that I am exactly where I need to be in my journey.
For all the divine love, guidance, healing, protection, blessings, knowledge and so much more, I have a tremendous amount of gratitude towards MahaYogi Madhukarji and GuruMaa Aditiji that most times I find very hard to express in words. I mostly just end up crying thinking about how fortunate I am and how kind the divine and universe has been to me. Despite having made so many mistakes in the past, through so much love and compassion, I have been lifted up time and again by Guruji and GuruMaa. With full faith, respect and gratitude I sincerely thank them everyday for all the life-changing opportunities that came my way. To those who are reading this, you are not here by accident. This is one of the signs the universe is giving you like it had given me many times. Take a chance to take care of your soul and you never know how your life could change.
Anish Rao
Owner & Director- Freeline Engineering Consultants
By Rachana
Amazing.So inspiring,revealing and honest sharing.
ONLY MahaYogi Madhukarji can bring such a magnificent Transformation in our SOUL Journey towards more purity and quality.
Immense Gratitude to MahaYogiji, Aditiji and Divine Energies of our Universe and Beyound.
By Chandan singh
Realy amazing soul journey, inspired me a lot god bless you and lots of good wishes for your upcoming journey!! now a days i am in very critical situation everything gona wrong i dont understand whats going on i had done many mistakes after guidance of guru ji and sidha fire meditation event but still believe in guru ji each and every guidance given to me i hope i met guru ji as soon as possible.
By Vinitha Pai
Thank you for sharing this amazing journey.It has given insight on quite few things and answered my querries.
Truly grateful to Guruji and Maa Aditiji🙏🌹
By Kapil Dasani
Very honest of you to share : happy to see all is well and gratitude to both the gurus
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