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Who is a Spiritual Seeker?

We have seen enough questions posed on “Genuine Guru” but what about “Genuine Seeker”?!

To tread on a Spiritual path having guidance from a genuine GURU is important but it’s more important TO BE a GENUINE SEEKER. 

In the current era of Kali Yuga (Dark Age) we find it tough to get connected to a genuine GURU around us to show the path of Divine Light and Divine Truth, but it’s even tougher to find a GENUINE SEEKER. 

If you say the world is full of fake gurus, be careful… because you are also saying the world is full of fake seekers…

If yathā rājā tathā prajā is true, yathā prajā tathā rājā is also equally true. When fake seekers increase, the number of fake gurus also increases to fulfill the need of the mass.

First we need to know who is a Spiritual SEEKER…

The SOUL who wishes to walk the path of life maintaining certain Spiritual disciplines and practices by combating various obstacles in both Material & Spiritual Life and subsequently tries to reach the ultimate goal of a human birth (Moksha) through its conscious effort, is a Spiritual Seeker. 

Spiritual Seeker is one who seeks the TRUTH, truth about SELF, truth about creation and creative force, truth from spiritual perspective without any compromise by dropping all the prejudices.

Now who is a GENUINE or TRUE (Spiritual) SEEKER?!

In first place, a GENUINE or TRUE SEEKER needs a past life Samskara which cannot be pushed or forced into any SOUL without a proper SOUL planning. 

Next, unless a SOUL completes 80% of its MATERIAL experiences and 50% of its KARMA payoff, it can NEVER become a GENUINE SEEKER. If even they come on the Spiritual path and do some practices, their conscious mind and SOUL will NOT be able to absorb the Eternal Truth about this Earth, Universe or Existence and about the Energy World.

Their Karmic baggage and/or pending Material experiences would NOT allow them to do so. In such cases, even if they wish to follow a Spiritual path, they would tend to drift from one Spiritual umbrella to the other, in search for the (SOUL) Truth. Additionally, they will keep feeling a kind of discomfort inside them all the time as if something is highly missing. Most of such so-called seekers’ look out would be to solve/fulfill material problems/needs. 

  • The GENUINE or REAL SEEKER is the one, who would deeply search for his or her original SOURCE of creation, from where has he or she come in this current life and where will he or she go after this current birth. 

  • The REAL SEEKER would dive deeply to find ways to return to their original HOME which lies beyond this physical world through the process of Moksha.

  • The REAL SEEKER would always strive to explore the possibilities of the ENERGY WORLD & its influences on Earth…

  • The GENUINE SEEKER would be open enough to accept his or her shortcomings / weaknesses which are required to be on the Divine path and strive to improve those areas by keeping full trust, respect & gratitude towards the GURU. 

  • The REAL SEEKER would rarely look for any material prosperity from a GURU rather would TRUST fully that it would be taken care of in the best possible way.

  • The REAL SEEKER would believe strongly that there is a larger PURPOSE of this current Earthly Birth which is over and above mere Material and Worldly Duties & Responsibilities. 

  • The REAL SEEKERS would never try to shift from one GURU to another being opportunistic; rather would put their genuine efforts to grow under the ONE shed, however rough, tough or strong be it.

If seeking is genuine, they will find the best guru for their level, eligibility and capability and based on need of the time. Once they are really done (due to stagnancy or inefficiency to progress), Genuine Guru would leave them on their own without holding them back…

  • The GENUINE SEEKER naturally would be egoless, humble, simple (using his own discernment based on the situation) and always tends to melt the thoughts of becoming judgmental towards anyone, especially towards GURU and would be filled with gratitude for smallest things also in life.

  • The REAL SEEKER naturally would have an unconditional inclination towards SELFLESS SERVICE for his Guru and then mankind and humanity without any expectation and without any self-centeredness. 

  • The GENUINE SEEKER tends to be calm and silent as much as possible without much self-showcasing, while performing his or her services or practices. They would also be sufficiently courageous, fearless and ready to accept any challenge in life, at any given situation keeping full TRUST on the GURU.

  • A TRUE SEEKER gets connected to his or her own GURU naturally when they are ready. Based on the SEEKER’s level, eligibility and quality, Divine connects the GURU. Or else it is difficult to grab the lessons and knowledge thus shared. Important to mention that, GURUs also have their own stages and levels. Divine connects the Right SEEKER to the Right GURU… It would be difficult for a basic SEEKER to follow an Advanced GURU… 


Guru can easily identify the Genuine Seeker but unless the seeker is genuine, he can never identify the Guru even if Guru is standing in front of him for his whole life…

Finally, All SEEKERs should note that Spiritual journey is vast and there are twists and turns at every end which seems to be locked…. and there is continuous transformation and evolution in the Energy World in terms of old concepts or theories… Unless the human consciousness expands from micro level to macro level, it cannot be experienced or realized… 

It is Okay if you are NOT a seeker but if you are trying to fake it, neither you can experience fulfillment in material life nor on spiritual path. You would miss both and come again to start the earthly life from the scratch.

With Divine Light
Maa Aditiji | MahaYogi Madhukarji

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  • By Anish Rao
    Posted September 1, 2020 7:45 pm 0Likes

    I’m Eternally Grateful Guruji MahaYogi Madhukarji and Maa Aditi ji to have come under Your Divine Tutelage. It has been the biggest blessing that You accepted me despite how flawed I came to You and You chose to transform me. Step by step so patiently You have guided me and helped me become a much better version of myself.

    Under Your Divine Guidance, I have learned so many Eternal Truths that have been a catalyst for inner purification. It is true in this Maya World, there are so many distractions and so much trying to deviate us from our true path. I have also been guilty of becoming distracted on many occasions. But when I read the Divine Guidances shared, it helps to bring me back on track, even more reinvigorated than before. On countless occasions you have guided me away from Ignorance and the wrong path. For this and more, I shall always be grateful.

    This Divine Knowledge shared with us has given me many answers and helped stir a greater initiate to work towards uplifting myself on the lines of a more genuine seeker. I know I have many shortcomings and much more purification needs to happen, but I’m very grateful to have gotten the right direction and found the right path in this life under the shade of Your Divine Presence. Words can neither begin to capture the magnitude of the tremendous effect You have had on me nor express the immense Gratitude I have in my being. You have blessed my life in so many ways that everyday I experience so many wonderful miracles that I’m so grateful for.

    I’m immensely grateful for Your Divine Love, Guidance and Blessings which has truly helped me realize more of my true self and uplifted me for my highest and best good. I’m immensely grateful for the many SELFLESS Service and Seva opportunties I have gotten under Your Divine Guidance that has helped me learn so many invaluable lessons. And I’m immensely grateful for all the Divine Blessings and Healings which have helped in my Material and Spiritual growth. I will continue to work harder and strive towards hopefully being more useful towards Society and Humanity.

    Blessed am I to be connected to 2 Divine Gurus. With full Faith, Respect and Gratitude I humbly remain 🙇‍♂️🙏

  • By Rachana sanghvi
    Posted September 1, 2020 11:13 pm 0Likes

    May we humbly bow down to the lotus feet of our Guruji MahaYogi Madhukarji and our Maa Aditiji🙏🏻🌺🙇🏻‍♀️🙏🏻

    We are extremely fortunate to have been under Divine Blessings and Guidance of Guruji and Maa in this lifetime. 🙏🏻🌺🙏🏻
    Starting from my Soulreading and Advanced Distant Healings to attending various Spiritual Group Healing and Meditation Events and Retreats with Samyama Healing Centre has step by step uplifted and guided my Soul to seek, introspect and understand more about my Soul Journey and also know that The Purpose of this life is more Magnificent and fullfilling apart from leading our Earthly life of duties and responsibilities…

    Eternal Truth and wisdom revealed by MahaYogiji and Maa Aditiji during various satsangs has not only showered more Divine light on our ignorance and darkness but also made us practically experience as how the Energy world can have both positive and negative impact on our physical life on Earth and our return Journey back home. It has even more inspired us to seek for #Moksha with faith and courage along with improving our Soul Purity and Quality.

    Selfless Service Opportunities under Their Divine Guidance and Blessings are the most fulfilling experiences we ever had in terms of innerpeace, happiness, strength and confidence.

    Yes both Material and Spiritual path are not free from obstacles, but All of the above has helped us to keep dropping off our ego more and more to experience Their Divine grace every moment in our life with deep trust and faith.

    Only a #Real Guru can know whether we are #Spiritual Seeker, #Real seeker and #Geniune seeker,
    But with my own experiences I would want to share humbly that I am immensely grateful to be under The Divine Blessings and Guidance of the Most Magnificent and Majestic Gurus , #BestHealers, Our Guruji and Maa.To us,They are an epitome of Simplicity, Divine compassion and Divine Intelligence. 🙏🏻🌺🙇🏻‍♀️🙏🏻

    Eternally grateful we shall remain for showing us the Real path to go back home.🙏🏻🌺🙇🏻‍♀️🙏

  • By Nina Singh
    Posted September 7, 2020 3:04 am 0Likes

    Immense Gratitude towards Divine Guru MahaYogi Madhukarji and Maa Aditiji.🌺🙏🌺

    It was a life changing experience from the time i came intouch with Samyama Healing Centre.My life was full of unanswered questions i had about the suffering and challenges i faced in this lifetime.With no gleem of hope i completely surrendered and with immense faith as I went ahead with Guidance and Divine Healings that i received through my Soul reading.

    I was fortunate to receive Divine Healings that cured my physical, emotional and relationship issues which i had carried as a Karmic baggage from past lives into this lifetime.

    I understood the importance of seeking forgivess.My past life reading was answer to my question of challenges i faced as unwanted repeated cycles and recurring patterns which created blockages for me on all levels of life .
    As i seeked frogivess during my healings i felt peaceful and lighter on my soul.It was a humbling experience which connected me to my truth.

    Divine Guidance and Teaching helped me to introcept, excepting my flaws and understanding that with geniune efforts one can improve and work towrds Purification of SOUL.

    In past 3 years i have witnessed small miracles and upliftment on all levels of my life be it financial, emotional or relationships.Challenges are there but my way of facing it has changed.

    I am immensely blessed to receive Deep Profound Knowledge and Priceless Wisdom imparted by Guruji and Maa 🙏🙇‍♀️
    Guiding us on every step for working towards Soul Puritiy , Sadhana,Selfless Service with Pure Intentions,Compassion, Humblenessand Balanced emotions.

    I am very Humbled that you chose to Guide me and uplift me inspite of my flaws and shortcoming. Indeed Blessed to be under Your Divine Light.

    I bow in Immense Gratitude towards Guruji and Maa I am Eternally Grateful 🙇‍♀️🌺🙏🌺
    Thank you.

  • By Hetal Vadodaria
    Posted September 12, 2020 5:47 pm 0Likes

    Namaste Guruji and Maa,

    I feel so blessed to have received your Divine Guidance and Blessings in this
    Lifetime. You accepted me inspite of all my flaws and ignorance and guided me at
    every step for my Soul Upliftment… I am Immensely and Eternally Grateful to you
    for all the Divine Healings, Divine Guidance and Divine Blessings…🙏🙇🌺🙏

    The Selfless Service Opportunities that I got under your Divine Guidance and
    Blessings has truly been a very Fulfilling experience. It has brought a lot of Inner
    Peace, Happiness, Joy, Strength and Confidence… The Divine Wisdom and
    Eternal Truth that you have shared has brought a lot of clarity and understanding and
    helped me to work towards my Soul Purification.🙏🙇🌺🙏

    Words can never express the Gratitude that is in my Heart. Thank you Guruji and
    Maa.. Thank you for showing me the Right Path…Thank you for helping me walk on
    the Right Path. I am and shall forever remain Eternally Grateful to you 🙏🙇🌺🙏

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