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What is Pranic Healing?

Pranic healing is an ancient science and art of healing that utilizes prana or ki or life energy to heal the whole physical body. It also involves the manipulation of ki and bioplasmic matter of the patient’s body. It has also been called medical qigong (ki Kung or ki healing), psychic healing, vitalic healing, therapeutic touch, laying of the hand, magnetic healing, faith healing, and charismatic healing.

Prana or Ki

Prana or Ki is that life energy which keeps the body alive and healthy. In Greek it is called pneuma, in Polynesian mana, and in Hebrew ruah, which means “breath of life”. The healer projects prana or life energy or “the breath of life” to the patient, thereby, healing the patient. It is through this process that this so-called “miraculous healing” is accomplished.

Two Basic Laws of Pranic Healing

Pranic healing is based on two laws: The law of self-recovery and the law of prana or life energy. These laws are quite obvious but strangely they are usually the least noticed or least remembered by most people. It is through these basic laws that rapid or miraculous healing occurs.

1. Law of Self-Recovery

In general, the body is capable of healing itself at a certain rate. If a person has a wound or burn, the body will heal itself and recover within a few days to a week. In other words, even if you do not apply antibiotics on the wound or burn, the body will repair or heal itself. At the present moment, there is no medicine available for the treatment of viral infection. But even if a person has a cough or cold due to viral infection, the body will recover generally in one or two weeks without medication.

2. Law of Life Energy

For life to exist, the body must have prana, chi or life energy. The healing process can be accelerated by increasing life energy on the affected part(s) and on the entire body. In chemistry, electrical energy is sometimes used as a catalyst to increase the rate of chemical reaction. Light can affect chemical reactions. This is the basis of photography. In electrolysis, electricity is used to catalyze or produce chemical reactions. In pranic healing, prana or life energy serves as the catalyst to accelerate the rate of biochemical reactions involved in the natural healing process of the body. When pranic energy is applied to the affected part of the body, the rate of recovery or healing increases tremendously.

What we call miraculous healing is nothing more than increasing the rate of self-recovery of the body. There is nothing supernatural or paranormal about pranic healing. It is simply based on natural laws that most people are not aware of.

Although science is not able to detect and measure life energy or prana, it does not mean that prana does not exist or does not affect the health and well-being of the body. In ancient times, people were not aware of the existence of electricity, its properties and practical uses. But this does not mean that electricity does not exist. One’s ignorance does not change the reality; it simply alters the perception of reality, resulting in misperception and misconception of what is and what is not, what can be done and what cannot be done.

Children have more life energy than elderly people. You notice that they move a lot from morning to night, hardly getting tired at all. When suffering from a fracture, who heals faster-the child or the elderly? The broken bone of a child heals very fast while that of an elderly heals very slowly; sometimes, it will not even heal at all.

Pranic Healing Benefits

  • It can help parents bring down the temperature of their children suffering from high fever in just a few hours and heal it in a day or two in most cases.
  • It can relieve headaches, gas pains, toothache, and muscle pains almost immediately in most cases.
  • Cough and cold can usually be cured in a day or two. Loose bowel movement can be healed in a few hours in most cases.
  • Major illnesses such as eye, liver, kidney, and heart problems can be relieved in a few sessions and healed in a few months in many cases.
  • It increases the rate of healing by three times or more than the normal rate of healing.

These are some of the few things that pranic healing can do. All of these assume that the healer has attained a certain degree of proficiency.

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui is the Modern Founder of Pranic Healing® and Arhatic Yoga®.

He is the author of 20 books, some published in about 32 languages. Founder of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga, Grand Master Choa Kok Sui is credited with the development of an energy healing system using more effectively and efficiently prana or ki, which is the life force that keeps the body alive. Albeit a trained Chemical Engineer and successful businessman, he spent more than 30 years researching and studying literature and books on esoteric sciences, examining and sorting through their various healing techniques, and eventually developing the concepts, principles, techniques, and practical applications of Pranic Healing as it is widely known today.


Pranic Healing is not intended to replace allopathic medicine, but rather to complement it. If symptoms persist or the ailment is severe, please immediately consult a Medical Doctor and a Certified Pranic Healer.

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