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What is SOUL planning?! Why is it important to know?!

On this Earth all major incidents in everybody’s Life are pre-planned. Nothing is unplanned. Although it might look surprising at times as to why or how something happened.

Precisely 70% of the incidents in anyone’s life is decided at a pre-birth stage. Remaining 30% is left to be decided after taking birth through the actions and thoughts of the human being.

At the pre-birth stage the soul plans 70% of its next human Life with the help of its Spirit Guides. This process is called “Soul Planning”.

After taking birth on Earth with a (physical) human body, appears the fresh Mental body- the Mind. And the Mind develops into various layers. This is apart from past lives’ layers…

The Conscious layer of the Mind has a liberty to think and to act as per its own choice. This is called FREE WILL. Remaining 30% of Life is decided by this FREE WILL.

FREE WILL might lead a human towards Ego, unwanted qualities, unwanted actions or thoughts, pride etc. It might also help a human to adhere towards the purpose of Life.

Soul has a close connection to the Unconscious layer of the Mind. The Unconscious Layer connects closely to the Subconscious Layer of the Mind. The Subconscious layer connects to the Conscious Layer.

So, if we go serially, it looks like—

Conscious -> Subconscious -> Unconscious -> Soul

Apart from many other things which we are not detailing here, a Soul has the information about the Soul planning and also how to execute the same peacefully and seamlessly.

Soul also documents the Purpose of the current birth of any person.

It is important for one to know the Purpose of Life, to move smoothly…

Not knowing the purpose of Life is common for novice and immature souls.

Material Earthly Life is temporary for all human beings, which all forget after taking birth here.

We recommend everyone to know the reason of his/her birth on Earth to have a better understanding of Self and Life.

Earth is Not a place to pass sweet time with all kinds of Entertainments. There is a reason and a unique reason for everyone to come here on Earth.

A Soul tries to send signs, signals, data, information and various other necessary communication to the Unconscious Layer of the Mind and through the Subconscious Layer these then reach the Conscious Mind.

Media to reach the Conscious Mind may be Dreams, Intuition, Extra Senses or Super Sensation or Trance Visuals etc…

The pathway or the route of the data or information or the messages from the Soul to the Conscious Mind need to be clear without any blockage or hurdles, for smoother transfer…

To be noted the Subconscious and Unconscious Layers are already filled with various other information as well.

Unconscious Layer carries important and valuable experiences and knowledge and wisdom that Soul has accumulated across different births on Earth.

These are kept handy in case the person might need all these in its current lifetime.

If these can be accessed, the life journey would be very smooth. Smooth does not mean without struggle. Smooth here means struggles faced can be handled efficiently using past lives’ learnings & techniques.

Subconscious Layer carries particular past Life data & information which are 100% required for the current Life purpose.

The subconscious mind also carries certain childhood emotions which are not in awareness of the person. There might be certain emotional suppression also in this layer.

The Conscious Mind is always busy picking up various things perceived by the 5 senses of the human body.

Hence the pathway is jammed with all these as mentioned above in various layers.

If one can clear the pathway the messages and information would keep flowing to the Conscious Mind of a human being.

The process of cleansing and purifying this pathway is a major part of Spiritual Sadhana.

This requires a lot of discipline and one pointedness. More the cleansing better the flow of messages and information from Soul to Mind.

Soul has a connection in the Energy World. It can precisely observe and record what exactly the person needs to do to get a healthy and happy life. Soul can guide the person how to handle the difficult situations of Life.

To be noted, several blockages might come while following the purpose of Life.

Why so?! This is to deviate a soul from the path, to make sure it does not accomplish its purposes.

Thus, pushing it at the reincarnation junction, taking birth on Earth again & again…

More birth, more suffering…

NO liberation, NO Peace…

Hence nurturing the Soul is vital to drive a healthy Life. If Soul is nurtured, Life can be peaceful as guidance can come to handle stress and pain and blockages.

How to nurture a Soul is also a part of Spiritual Sadhana.

And for Spiritual Sadhana these days on Earth invocation of Spiritual Energy from very high realms is a Must. Simultaneously knowing the Eternal truth about the Energy World is a MUST.

We said Energy World and Not the Universe. The Energy World is a vast concept.

Advanced understanding and highly matured perception are required to go to the level of Advanced Spiritual Sadhana…

Energy World to Soul to Unconscious Mind to Subconscious Mind to Conscious Mind and Vice versa can be called Spiritual Journey and making this Journey steady, smooth and fruitful can be called Spiritual Sadhana…

Light & Peace
Maa Aditiji | MahaYogi Madhukarji

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